Toolbox talks

The use of regular toolbox talks, if done effectively, can significantly enhance the safety culture within an organisation. Increasing the safety awareness of the workers, and as a result, reducing the likelihood of accidents and near misses.

As the person giving the Toolbox talk, how you deliver the talk is very key to maintain high levels of engagement and learning. Here are some handy tips that may help elevate your delivery:

  • Make eye contact as much as possible with your audience. This will help to keep their attention.
  • You will likely have real life experience on the subject matter – use these examples to help engage your audience.
  • Use anecdotes to illustrate the points – people relate better to the stories and experiences of other people.
  • Speak with conviction – if you take the training seriously, so will they.
  • Speak clearly and distinctly. Don’t be tempted to rush through it or mumble.
  • Ask for armation from the participants that they have understood what you have said.