Guidance Notes

Table of Contents
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Unlike approved codes of practice, guidance notes are purely advisory and therefore have no legal significance.

Issued by the health and safety executive, guidance notes are a series of further documents used to share practical experience.

Seen as invaluable documents, guidance notes indicate the ways that the health and safety executive expect employers to operate.

A guidance note will often accompany an approved code of practice. The health and safety executive publish guidance notes in eight different sets.

Published sets

  1. CS – Chemical series
  2. EH – Environmental hygiene series
  3. GS – General series
  4. MS – Medical series
  5. PM – Plant and machinery
  6. HS (G) – Health and safety (guidance) series
  7. HS (R) – Health and safety (regulations) series
  8. BPM – Best practical means

Many of the published guidance note are free. You can obtain copies from the HSE website, or from your local HSE office.