PPE stands for ‘Personal Protective Equipment’. The aim of this toolbox talk is to increase awareness on the effective use of PPE.
The use of regular toolbox talks, if done effectively, will significantly improve the safety culture within your organisation. This will increase the safety awareness of the workers, and as a result reduce the likelihood of accidents and unsafe occurrences.
Legislation references
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
PPE at work
Adequate protective clothing is a pre-requisite of safety on any site and provides effective protection against many different hazards.

- Wear head protection – it can save your life.
- Wear safety footwear that provides protection to your toes, ankles and soles of your feet.
- Wear gloves where there is any risk to your hands or where it is company policy.
- Wear hi-visibility clothing/vests – be seen by others.
- Keep clothing and High Visibility clothing as clean as possible to protect against dermatitis and risk of fire, etc. High Visibility clothing is not as effective when dirty.
- Avoid loose clothing – especially loose ends that can get caught in machinery.
- Keep skin covered when working in sunny conditions – skin cancer is more common than you think.
- Don’t expose your skin when working with substances such as cement, tar, insulation.
- If the clothing you are wearing becomes contaminated then remove it and have it cleaned or disposed of as appropriate.
- If working with hazardous substances, wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment provided.
- Wear any Personal Protective Equipment that has been provided for your use, and look after it so that it can look after you.
- Consider fire hazards. Do you require fire retardant clothing for the job you are doing?
- Jewellery, for example rings, chains, etc, can be extremely dangerous near machinery and when working on plant – consider taking it off completely or taping it up.
- Always dress properly, even for short jobs, and be prepared to change or augment your PPE as required for specific tasks.