The acronym PUWER stands for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, which applies to all work equipment that employees use to do their work.
To ensure such equipment is safe to use, the Cenheard PUWER assessment is the perfect tool.
PUWER was introduced in Great Britain in 1998 after extensive development during 1997. It brings together many of the legal health and safety duties placed on employers.
This makes a PUWER assessment a strategic tool in the road to compliance. It provides a transparent view of an organisations health and safety compliance for a wide field of disciplines.

Our PUWER Systems
A thorough PUWER assessment, aligned with detailed risk assessments, has the power to highlight opportunities to significantly improve health and safety in the workplace.
Cenheard PUWER systems gather data systematically to provide data rich reports. Ultimately culminating in a prioritised list of health and safety enhancements.
Our before and after analysis techniques help businesses decide where the biggest improvement opportunities are, how to tackle them, and what the outcome will be for the organisation.
The intent of PUWER is to improve health and safety within the workplace. By accomplishing a detailed analysis with Cenheard systems, your business can focus on actions that make the workplace safer, not just compliant.
For further information on PUWER you can visit the HSE website: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/puwer.htm
- Hazards
Are there any obvious risks to the employee using the work equipment that need to be risk assessed? What are the controls measures that need to be put in place? What are the consequences of the risks?
- Regulation compliance
Which regulations apply to the work equipment? Does the work equipment comply? What are the potential risks and consequences that could occur?
- Action plan
What actions need to be taken? Which actions are most important? A prioritised plan of actions is essential to drive momentum.
- Take action and review
The work never stops, continually reviewing the use of the work equipment is vital to health and safety standards.